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Marc Barris
97 articles

1/32 scale Tamiya Spitfire IX, Israeli Airforce

November 18, 2020 · in Aviation · · 18 · 2K

This was a quick build between my scratch builds, Lots of fun and the first Kit that I have built in a few years. I started the build with the idea of working on my painting and airbrush skills that I feel were taking a back seat with all the scratch building that I have been doing, so, you be the judge and jury on the matter.

Needless to say, I did get a little bored with the build, probably because I did no scratch building on the kit.

Hope you enjoy the pictures,

Keep safe,


Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. Lovely build Marc, and great weathering. You captured the look of a dusty IDF Spitfire.
    Excellent result.

  2. Marc, @marc
    You always have a special knack for building superb examples of miniature flying machines ! This is true if the model comes from a box (as this one has), or if you have built it up entirely from scratch, as you normally do. I really like how you replicated the exhaust pipes, and flowing from these, the tetra-ethyl lead exhaust staining effects.
    They look so realistic, as if you somehow managed to go back in time, shrink a clipped wing Israeli Spitfire down to 1/32 scale, and then brought it back with you... The chipped paint in the wing walk area, and the exposed RR Merlin also caught my eye. It's the little things like this that bring a build to life.

    There's no harm in building a model that comes from a box. I know that your passion lies in making your own planes though. I sent you a response to your email a while ago, did you happen to get it ? Please stay safe my friend. I pressed the "liked" button too.

  3. Congratulations Marc on your non scratchbuilt model!
    I looks spotless and I can only FULLY echo Louis's @lgardner comments on your build.
    It looks 1:1...
    Well done again, my friend!

  4. I love early IAF birds and this is the best I've seen , I agree with Louis and Spiros absolutely brilliant work , I wish I was half as good !

  5. Nice to see an out-of-the-box-Marc-build! Less intimidating! I'd have to say your painting skills take no backseat to your scratch building skills - the paint and weathering work is beautiful - very realistic.

  6. What @lgardner said.

    Your paint skills have not atrophied, sir.

  7. Although you did get bored, you performed an outstanding job on this Spitfire, Marc.
    Still need a lot to learn before my OOB builds look like this.

  8. It takes someone a bit special to choose a Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire for a "quick build", maybe it was quick compared to your usual scratch built projects, but... whatever, a superb result.

  9. Superlative Spitfire!

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