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John Healy
165 articles

1/48 Mitsubishi A5M4 Claude – Empire of Japan Group Build.

January 7, 2021 · in Aviation · · 32 · 2.4K

This is the 2016 kit. I can't speak highly enough about its quality. It's an outstanding kit in every way. Feel free to check out my build log in the EoJ group build section and you'll see how nice it is.

The was the predecessor to the famous Zero. As the IJN's first monoplane fighter, it was basically transitional in nature. It retained fixed landing gear and the original enclosed canopy was soon abandoned for the traditional open cockpit that its pilots preferred. Mine is finished as an example assigned to the carrier “Hosho” in early 1942. The only thing I added were seatbelts modified from a British set. I chose this late in life Claude primarily because the markings are a bit different then the usual red tailed examples we see. The finish is Tamiya Silver Leaf sealed with Future over the decals and a final coat of semi-gloss mixed 1:3 from Testors Dull coat/Gloss coat. All of the other paints used are Humbrol Enamels. The final photo shows all four of the models that I've built for this Group Build. Thanks again to Louis and all of the other enthusiastic participants. This is the most modeling fun that I've had since the RAF group build in 2018.

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10  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

32 responses

  1. Great work John, I really like this. I've one of these in the to do pile for this year.

  2. Gorgeous! What an elegant little plane.

  3. Beautifully built and that collection sure looks magnificent too

  4. VERY pretty bird, nicely executed. And a fine shelfful too!

  5. There's definitely something about these Japanese planes that has, no doubt, helped to make this group build such a success, and this one's a great addition. Definitely liked.

  6. Thatś a very nice looking build, John.
    Your collection is also very nice to look at.
    And absolute 'like'.

  7. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    A very sharp and pristine finish to this model John.
    The clean and smooth lines in this aircraft can very much be appreciated in every angle, thank you for sharing these images.

  8. Very nice build. It does look like a high quality kit, or is it just your skills making it look so damn good? Either way great job!

  9. Congratulations, John, on your wonderful build!
    You took a nice kit and your skills resulted in an excellent Claude.
    I liked the markings choice, an alternative to the ones we usually on Claudes.
    Excellent cockpit, too!
    I had the pleasure to follow your build thread: I liked iot a lot!
    The EoJ is such an amazing group, still going on!

  10. That is a beautiful build. The paintwork sets off the lines of the airframe so well.

  11. John (@j-healy), what can I say? - Beautifully build and a very nice base kit. It has been a joy to follow your build, Thank you for sharing the journey.

  12. Sweet looking build, John. Nice job.

  13. Just off the production line and looking fantastic. All good.

  14. That's a gorgeous Claude, and great scheme choice. The shelf lineup is a fantastic collection!

  15. "A neat modeling shelf is the sign of a sick mind." 🙂

    Super-nice build, @j-healy, and a very nicely-displayed collection.

  16. Superb. Been mulling this kit over and now I may have to add it to the stash.

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