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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Spitfirepalooza Continues

February 8, 2021 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.3K

I just finished another to add to my collection. This time it's the Mk. Vb in the colors of Don Gentile's aircraft. I believe the molds for this are from the mid 70's and while there is a lack of detail (as in no wheel bay detail, a very minimal and inaccurate cockpit, etc.) we currently expect, if you leave the canopy closed (and there is no open option anyway) and don't worry about wheel well detail, you get a nice looking model for not much money spent.

I think it's one of my better looking 72nd Spitfires so I'm happy with it.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Great looking Spitfire in different livery.
    This old mold is still one of my favorite ones. Yes there lot of more modern ones, but it comes together fine, looks fine, and bring somehow really basic joy of modelling , not loosing it thru the all those years.
    regards Djordje

  2. Nice clean Spitfire Scott, I like it.

  3. Still the most accurate Mk Vb in outline and shape in 1/72.

  4. Looks great! Beautiful paint scheme.

  5. Great looking Spitfire! Really like Gentile's markings on this bird.

  6. Still a great kit. Nice work!

  7. Airfix 1/72 Spitfire, in the 1950s my first model, not sure what mark it was, but this, presumably later kit, looks just great.

  8. Great work Scott. I really like the American markings.

  9. Indeed a great looking Spitfire, Scott.
    The scheme and markings really fit this plane.

  10. Very nice Scott.

  11. Looking great, Scott!
    I have built this kit twice!

  12. Nicely done Scott.

  13. that's a handsome Spit! Well done.

  14. Lovely little spitfire, Scott. Really nice precise and clean camo painting on what must be a very small model. My 1/48 Tamiya Spitfire is small enough. i haven't seen this particular scheme before - very nice colors and markings.

  15. Well done Scott, especially like the paint job you did on her.

  16. It must be Don Gentile Week around here, another one in the WIP page too.

    Being 60 I'm not much on cockpit and wheelwell detail either. It's nice, but I still consider it a bonus, not a necessity. This kit looks great in these markings, beautiful job.

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