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David G LANE
122 articles

PFALZ D.XII 1394/18. Jasta 77b 1918

May 22, 2021 · in Aviation · 23 · 2.1K

WNW 1:32
Tamiya, Alcad II and printers ink paints
MRP varnishes
Gaspatch turnbuckles
Model Kasten rigging
Brass/lead wire for breather tube and radiator pipes under blast rails
Prop ...oils over acrylic

Reader reactions:
19  Awesome

22 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Just perfect. Another museum quality build.

  2. Ditto on the museum quality. When you can see the stitching pattern on the fabric covering of the wing your in the gold territory of any competition. Something worthy of being featured in a hard cover book or magazine. Two thumbs up David a real show stopper.

  3. Another beauty. I've always liked the way the Pfalz D.XII looked. Museum quality for sure.

  4. That is one superb looking Pfalz. Beautiful.

  5. David, This looks great, I really like the very attractive paint scheme. So go pat yourself on the back and take a victory lap around the yard. You've done some very nice work here !

  6. Simply superb.

  7. Great work. Your shading/ washing/ ageing really is top notch, as are the rigging and turnbuckles.
    Some of the best WNW builds I've seen.

  8. You own WWII modeling David. I so enjoy seeing your work.

  9. Applause for your absolutely wonderful work, reflecting great modeling skills.

  10. Outstanding Build David: Nice contrast of colors, the shading and weathering is nicely done, just enough but not over done.

  11. Amazing job, as usual, David!
    Museum quality indeed!

  12. In a word, breathtaking!

  13. Fully agree on al the compiments mentioned above, David.
    So much detail and perfection.

  14. Ein schönes Modell Super gebaut ist einfach Wauw.

  15. David, if I may ask, about how long did this amazing model take to build?

  16. Nice work, David. I’m a fan of all things Pfalz.

  17. Wow! That's just outstanding! Thanks for posting it!


  18. beautiful work, congrats!

  19. Beautiful work, definitely liked.

  20. Another beauty! Love the silver/blue/white scheme with the lozenge camo.

  21. A superb job on a beautiful WWI fighter. WNW always gave us superb, wonderful kits and you, sir, knock them out of the park. Excellent!

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