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Kiriakos P.
7 articles

Westland Lysander, Eduard 1/48, Winter Camo, Hirvas Finland, Jan.1943

November 24, 2021 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1.6K

Hello my friends!

Here is my last built.
This kit was a challenge for me. I was reading in reviews that this is a difficult kit for experienced modellers.
My opinion: Yes, this kit has some difficulties, mainly because of the shape of the aircraft.
But if you love the aircraft, this is a fine oportunity to improve your skills! Don' t affraid it!

I used Vallejo colours.
White primer as basic colour.
After that, black presanding and then some white colour.
Decals are so good.

Your comments are welcome!

Thank you for your time!

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Excellent result, Kipdarks!
    Love everything in your build, painting and weathering definitely included!

  2. Very interesting build. Nice job, Kipdarks!

  3. This is a beautiful Finnish Lysander, Kipdarks @kipdarks
    Looks amazing in this livery and on skis.

  4. Nice, beautiful work! Lysanders looks great in a winter Finnish scheme, I love it!

  5. Nice work.The finish is really good.

    There is one big problem with the Eduard Lysander - the outboard strut attachment point are about 1/8 inch too far ourboard, so if you use them, you lost the dihedral. It's one of those things in the design of the kit no one notices till they're done and Eduard has never been willing to fix, which they could. If you can cut the outer attachments loose and then reposition them, the wing will be right and this really nice model will be as close to perfection as it gets.

    • Thank you a lot Tom. I had read your review for this kit, before the building!
      Exactly, this is the most important point and I think that my lysander is not absolutely correct with the wings.
      However, it is a really beautiful aircraft.

  6. Many thanks all of you for kind words!

  7. A very interesting variation of the Lysander, nice work!

  8. That's a great-looking Lysander - I'd never seen one in winter camo, and looks really nice in that livery.

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