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Charles King
128 articles

Beware of Bigfoot

May 12, 2022 · in Diorama · · 10 · 1K

I finally completed the diorama for the 'Bigfoot' wheel excavator I posted not too long ago. This is basically a display for any similar or even better, scale model. The base itself is an old binding circular hard carboard tubing that I got from my work's trash container. The material used for the landscaping is plaster gauze, dirt from outside and small rocks, and a cast rock I had left over from the previous 1:50 display diorama I did awhile ago.

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7  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. I can hear it idling, Charles.

  2. Excellent diorama suiting the bigfoot perfectly, Charles @tiking

  3. A wonderful result, Charles!

  4. Looks even better in the dio. Great work!

  5. Nice and simple, which is often harder than nice and complex. Great result.

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