Balkans Theatre...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109E-7, III./JG77

August 23, 2022 · in Aviation · · 10 · 0.9K


After a longer 109 pause, here´s my dad´s newest one.
Good old Tamiya kit with decals from the Kagero Topdrawings Bf109E booklet. Painted with RLM65 Gunze H67, RLM02 using Tamiya XF-22 and AK Real Color RLM71, field camo on the fuselage with AK Real Color RLM70 and AMT-11 Gray. Antenna wires done with EZ Line, rearview mirror taken from a Hasegawa Spitfire kit.

Build thread here

This aircraft initially served with 5./JG54, received a spare cowl from 8./JG54 and was then put into service with III./JG77 in May 1941, Balkans, still wearing the JG54 emblems.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

22 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Congratulations, Spreitzhofer Family! Yet another superlative result! Side field applied lines came out great freehanded!

  2. Another beauty! Love it.

  3. Great build, especially the paintwork on one of my favorite schemes for a 109E.

  4. Echo Dale Travis' comments. Really fine build and paint job. Superb..

  5. Excellent work, Reinhard. That Tamiya kit is my favorite 109.

  6. A great looking 109, Reinhard @grimreaper
    Especially the camouflage came out superb.

  7. fantastic build!

  8. Bravo, god job!


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