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George Henderson
69 articles

My 2022 Stuff; all 1:48

December 31, 2022 · in Aviation · · 21 · 0.7K

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

21 responses

  1. Very sharp work George. I also did 5 in ' 22 all 1n 1/48.

  2. Another great modeling year, George! All are excellent! Wishing you a Happy and Productive 2023 my friend!

  3. Nice work, George.

    Here's to more modeling in 2023.

  4. A fruitfull modelling year, George @blackadder57
    You added some great builds to your shelf.
    Happy New Year

  5. All solid builds, George. All great posts, also.
    Gotta say though...that B-29 probably counts as 4 completions 😉

  6. All great builds! Especially love the B-29 have been thinking for some time that if I ever build one it would be in drab like yours. Congrats on a successful year!

  7. Great collection of models, George (@blackadder57). You don't often see a 1/48 B-29. Well done. Have a great New Year. Cheers.

  8. A year to be proud of, George, here’s to 2023.

  9. Nice line-up! Have a fantastic '23.

  10. Thank you all. I hope everyone has a productive new year

  11. Nice collection George, pretty good stuff if I say so. Happy New Year.

  12. Nicely done George.

  13. Great sharp looking builds, amazong work on all! Have a great 2023.

  14. G'day George (@blackadder57),
    It looks like you had a good modelling year.
    Hope you have a great 2023, too.

  15. Again, thanks all. I hope to start the new year with one, maybe two posted here by the end of January. Given that my weekends are 7 days long, it shouldn't be a problem get out at least one every two months

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