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Tarantino Paolo
25 articles

StuG IV Academy 1/35

August 15, 2023 · in Armor · · 6 · 395

Ciao ragazzi, in this hot summer, at least here in Italia, I'm trying to make my IV from ; the kit is basically the old Tamiya kit but..with little bit less quality. Anyway here some pics of the not finish yet Stug IV.

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6 responses

  1. Looks very nice already, Paolo @tarantinopaolo
    Camouflage scheme is great.

  2. Camo scheme looks quite realistic!

  3. Hi Paolo, it’s hot here in China as well, but with very heavy rain as well. Your StuG is coming along nicely.

  4. Very nice painting and weathering so far Paolo. I really like your interpretation of the ambush scheme. The Germans had many of these in Italy around the Liri Valley where my uncle fought in the war. I had the great experience of touring the old battlefields and saw a lot of old armor - German and Allied - in small museums there.

  5. Looks good, Paolo. I honestly prefer tank kits that don’t have 578 parts for the tracks.

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