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Scott Lyle
7 articles

1/48 Tamiya Il-2 Shturmovik

March 11, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 25 · 431

Finished the . It's a great kit - Tamiya's excellent kit engineering makes it very fun to build. I added riveting to the airframe with a rivet wheel, used 's photo etch for the seatbelts, and also replaced the gun barrels with metal tubing. Thanks for looking - more photos are available at my website

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome 4  1 

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. Very nice looking machine

  2. Excellent job, Scott!

  3. That is great modeling!

  4. That's a wonderful Shturmovik, Scott @slyle
    I really like how that triple camouflage pattern turned out, beautiful paintwork.

    • Thanks John...the triple camouflage was a bit of a took a few nights of going back and forth between the colors to get rid of the overspray...I love chasing my own tail!

  5. G’day Scott (@slyle),
    I agree that this kit is a fun build.
    I like your painting abd weathering, particularly the wing root wear.

  6. Nicely done, Scott

  7. Gorgeous build, Scott! Looks fantastic.

  8. Thanks all! Tamiya's ease-of-build really hits the spot sometimes. If you haven't built this one yet, I highly recommend it.

  9. Wow that's an amazing finish Scott. Super finish 👍

  10. Well done, great paintwork.

  11. Great color and tone. Well done pre/post shading. That’s Tamiya? I didn’t know about this kit. Will have to look into it.

    • Hi Graeme, it's well worth looking into. The only complaint I have is that Tamiya hasn't released any of the earlier versions. But I think Zvesda has released quite a few of those. Thanks, Scott

  12. Good work on this, Scott, the Tamiya kit might be a classic but it takes real skill to bring it up to this standard.

  13. Well done, superb paint and weathering.

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