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Amari Luu
37 articles

Model Competition Results and Update

March 29, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 223

Last week, I competed at the commies fest with a few familiar old models as well as several new additions to the collection featuring various miniatures (some not so mini) including a group of Imperial Knights with a very special paint scheme.

As another quick update, I was accepted to Stanford University early action as well as Harvard College yesterday. I have model building to thank for all that as I wrote my entire main Common App essay on model building, using it as an extended metaphor. Thank you Imodeler community for all the support over the years and I look forward to many new exciting projects to come!

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2  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Congratulations, Mr. Smart Guy! Truly an embarrassment of riches all around. Modeling can take you everywhere.

  2. Well done, Amari, good luck in your futurestudies, and keep on with the modelling.

  3. @themturtles WOW! Congrats Amari! Great looking models too 🙂

  4. Congratulations Amari! I second what Tom said!

  5. Congratulations with this fantastic result, Amari @themturtles

  6. Wow! Congrats and good luck!

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