Ta-152 C-1 1/48 HobbyBoss 81702
This baby is ready for take-off just before the new year. Took me around 2 weeks, has it's warts and all but nothing dramatic - all in all a great kit; highly recommended.
I wish everyone a happy 2015 and more scale modeling, enjoy.
Nice work, Murad...great scheme, great pics and great subject. 🙂
Very nice indeed. Fully agree woth Craig's assessment. Happy modeling for 2015.
Hi Murad, i wish you a great 2015 too. Your Ta is really nice, check out the ailerons !
Sleek as a Newmarket thoroughbred.
Nice one Murad - captures that late-war camo really well. thanks for posting!
Congratulations ! Good job...ooops..VERY good job !
Excellent job Murad, one more for the Ta 152 Fan Club!
Nice work Murad, nice finish.
Well done mate.
Like everyone else has already said, a really nice clean finish showing off the sleek lines of this aircraft.
Thank you very much for the comments folks. 🙂
@Bernd: yep you are correct, being ailerons and not elevons they should be deflecting in opposite directions, should be easy to fix since i used CA to attach them last.
Yes an easy fix, great build anyway