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Mark Hedrick
12 articles

Tamiya 1/48 FW190 A8

July 7, 2024 · in Aviation · · 6 · 222

This was a nice easy kit with good fit and few issues. Cockpit is not very detailed so I built it closed.

After some searching I built approximating a plane from II/jg 1 “Oseau” as it was in late 1943 with red rudder, numerals, under engine cowl and red and white spinner.

All paint was Vallejo Air. I free handed the camo instead of masking sharp lines as I read that many were sprayed in the field. I think I like the sharp lines better. Colors were common RLM 75, 76, 77.

As always please overlook my photography lack of skills.

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6  Awesome 1 

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6 responses

  1. Looks good, Mark. Love the red and white spinner.

  2. Beautiful build, Mark @markhedrick
    The red accents over the camouflage are really nice.

  3. Looks great. Good decision to go with JG1 scheme.

  4. I searching in books and online the variety of German color and camo schemes seems almost endless. I thought this one somewhat unique.

  5. Nice build Mark 👏👏👏👏

  6. Nice 190! Well done.

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