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Pavel Matousek
6 articles

Pfalz D.IIIa

July 26, 2024 · in Aviation · · 26 · 262

The Pfalz was a German single-seat biplane fighter used during World War I primarily by German Luftstreitkräfte units. It was designed by Rudolph Gehringer and manufactured by Pfalz Flugzeugwerke. Most machines were produced in the improved version D.IIIa.

Jasta 30 was one of the few units to be equipped exclusively with the Pfalz. The Jasta markings were a distinctive black-bordered orange diamond on the fuselage and tail along with various individualized black stripes.

A total of 260 D.IIIs and 750 D.IIIa units were produced. In June 1918, there were approximately 430 D.IIIa machines in operational deployment, in August only 166, and approximately 100 when the armistice was concluded.

All markings are airbrushed over masks that I had custom made by the OMASK company.

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26 responses

  1. Great build Pavel. Excellent photos and presentation with a bit of history. Nice one 👍

  2. Great looking Pfalz Pavel, its a pity Wingnut Wings went under, a loss of such great kits.

  3. Fantastic build, Pavel!

  4. Excellent work, Pavel! My favorite WW1 plane.

  5. Beautiful model of the most aesthetically pleasing aircraft of the Great War.
    I would love to grab this kit, shame I didn’t back in WnW days…
    What colour(s) did you use the achieve the SilberGrau?

  6. Very nice Plfaz build

  7. Very nice paintwork. This is an older kit that definitely stands the test of time.

  8. Outstanding work Sir. Looks great with the orange accents.

  9. Beautifully done, Pavel @pavelmat99
    The orange accents are really nice.

  10. Very nice! Man, not much forward visibility for the pilot!

  11. Beautiful build, Pavel. Really nice. I love most of the WW1 German fighters, the Pfalz DIII is no exception. This is one WNWs kit I never got around to picking up. One of these days I may get the Roden kit. Lie you mentioned above there is nothing wrong with them if you don't mind putting in a little extra effort.

  12. Again, a beautiful building. I have a Roden ready to build, so hopefully I can get something decent out of it.

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