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Brian Riedel
45 articles

More 1/48 German Fighters

August 9, 2024 · in Aviation · · 8 · 146

1/48 DML Fw-190A-5 “Special”
Markings for Herman Graf. Pretty much straight from the box.

DML Fw-190A-4 Jg.2
Markings for Adolph Dickfeld. Again, straight from the box with markings cobbled from different decal sheets.

1/48 Bf-109G-6 Jg.53
Markings for Alfred Hammer. Almost out of the box. Beules from kit. Decals cobbled from various sheets.

Brian Riedel

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8 responses

  1. Nice set of Luftwaffe warbirds! Well done.

  2. Hptm Alfred Hammer, "Martello" - 271 escort missions around Malta before his first victory, 500+ total. Crashed his F-4 at Comiso Sicily on 14 May, 1942, after aerial combat with a Spitfire. Downed by Aust, Ace, John "Tony" Boyd (KIA same day, 5/14/42) of RAF No 185 Sq.. One known victory, his first, a Spitfire over Malta on 25 October, 1942. His 2nd, a P-38 20 km south of La Galite on 4 March, 1943. His 3rd, in Sicily, a P-38F 8 km south of Pantellaria on 9 June, 1943 in II/JG-53. His 4th, a B-26 on 4 July, 1943. His 5th, a P-40 on 9 July, 1943. After his 6th victory, his eng failed and he belliy landed G-6 #18398 "Wh 14" at Gerbini on 10 July, 1943. His 10th, a P-38 10 km S of Cilli on 7 January, 1944. A Piper L-4 at Dollot, W of Sens, on 23 August, 1944. A P-47 at La Petit Pierre/Voges on 28 September, 1944. His 15th, a P-51 at Verelise/Nancy on 2 October, 1944. His 18th, a P-51 at Rastatt, SW of Karlsrühe on 1 December, 1944. His 19th, a B-26 in the Ardennes sector on 24 December, 1944. His 26th, an Auster 4/14/45. During the evacuation of Tunis bridgehead in May 1943, he flew out 4 Ground Crew members, one by one. Survived. Deceased 12/23/97. Data from The Kracker Luftwaffe Archive: Axis Powers Pilots and Crew

    Great set of builds, Brian! These really bring history alive, and I love all builds of the old Otaki series! The addition of the Hasegawa Beule helps the finished product achieve the accuracy it deserves.

  3. Excellent trio, Brian!

  4. Those are beautiful builds, Brian @bzak

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