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Joe Caputo
154 articles

1/48 Testors/Hawk Ryan STM -S2 (PT20)

June 8, 2015 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.8K

Easy, old build that comes with floats/wheels, and it's own base. Just plain fun !

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Just what do those triangular markings represent, Joe...?

  2. You got her done! Looks great, the floats just add something to that airplane that the wheeled landing gear just didn't pull off.

  3. said on June 8, 2015

    Great build Joe , a golden oldie from the days when HAWK had some of the best models on the hobby store shelves .

  4. Clean looking aircraft, and the rigging gives it that extra lift in the detail.

  5. Lovely little build there Joe.
    Well done mate.

  6. Nice build. Go the Dutch. 🙂

  7. Nice clean build, and always enjoy the unusual subject!

  8. Love it! I have one in the stash, although I will be using the base for a 1/72 Airfix Arado 196 which fits perfectly!

  9. You certainly know how to get the best out of these old kits, Joe, another great model.

  10. Great build, a bit of trivia. Who manufactured the actual floats?

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