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Ray Seppala
30 articles

Hercules C.1 XV292

July 6, 2015 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.8K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Hercules C.1 XV292
  2. Italeri KC-130J Havest Hawk, VMRG-252
  3. Lockheed L-100-30, Tepper Aviation N2679C
  4. Lockheed HC-130N Hercules
  5. Lockheed LC-130F Hercules

Finished this not long ago after it languished on the shelf of doom for 18 months. As it had been masked up for so long it was difficult to remove the cockpit masking. Patched up the cracked paint as best I could.

The kit is the original C-130E issue in that lovely mustard coloured plastic. I added new props from an kit and the refuelling boom also from Italeri kit. Decals are from an Xtradecal Sheet.

Reader reactions:

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

5 responses

  1. An impressive build of the old Airfix kit. Really like the scheme too; are those kit decals Ray?

  2. Nicely done, sir...I like it a lot.

  3. I like it ! I did an Italeri Herc (1/72) a while back. Canadian markings of course.

  4. Nice to see a model of a work horse, rather than a fighter/bomber, for a change.

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