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Paulo Castro
33 articles

Willys MB Ambulance

August 14, 2015 · in Armor · · 9 · 2K

This is the Tamyia 1/35th scale kit with some scratchbilt to make it an ambulance vehicle. I also scratchbuilt the mud chains for the rear tyres.

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4  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. The chains really givie it an unusual spark of detail. That said, I like armour to be placed within a vignette, or diorama, in this case perhaps something for the chains to dig into, and two or three figures to promote the drama of the scene, but as a build this looks really good, and so much detail generally in what must be a very small model.

    I can't remember the last time we had a Jeep on show here, so thanks for posting.

  2. Amazing craftsmanship, sir...outstanding detail(s).

  3. Thanks all!
    Rob, this kit I've built for a friend to go in a vignette but he didn't finish it at all.

  4. Paulo, I really enjoyed checking this one out, well done.The tire chains are a very nice touch.

  5. Thanks Terry! The chains were scratchbuilt

  6. Great work Paulo, see looks like she has been used hard.
    Great work on the chains, patience of Jobe me thinks.

  7. Great conversion, Paulo, I'm just glad I didn't have to transported in one of these!

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