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Kevin Hayes
1 article

Arii/Otaki 1/48 F6F-3 Hellcat

December 17, 2015 · in Aviation · · 14 · 3.7K

This is the first model I've built in seven years! I have been so busy pursuing my career that model building was put on hold for a long time. Aries cockpit, True Details wheels, a bit of scratch building here and there, and a combination of old Microscale and Superscale decals were used. I hope you guys enjoy. It feels good to be back!


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7  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Nice Hellcat, always a favourite! Welcome back to the modelling hobby. Hope it can be a relief for you when work get too much.

  2. Doesn't appear your hiatus had any adverse effect(s). Good work and welcome to iModeler - I think you'll like it.

  3. Looks like you didn't lose any model skills, Nice work, and welcome back.

  4. And did you have fun? That's a beautiful cat, some job on the old Otaki. The Hellcat was one of their better ones. Great paint job.

  5. Very nice work. This demonstrates my long-held contention that getting the Otaki kit for $5 from a dealer, and spending maybe $25 on the TD cockpit, Squadron canopy and a set of aftermarklet decals will result in a model completely competitive with any of the modern kits.

    There is one thing, however, which is a pretty common mistake by modelers who aren't fully conversant with naval aircraft. That is that no airplane on board a carrier would have weathering like that. That's because the salt corrosion in the sea spray and the atmosphere would turn an airplane with dings like that into aluminum powder in a week. I've talked to several WW2 ground crew and they all said that if an airplane got dinged during the day, it would get a coat of paint over that ding overnight. Aboard a carrier, they didn't get that dinged, but it's just like looking at contemporary USN aircraft in TPS and you see all the different shades of touch-up - it's for the same reason.

    The above information provided for future efforts.

  6. I remember making the kit when first released, I was amazed by the surface finish

  7. Welcome back, Kevin!
    Good looking Hellcat, the basic kit is a favorite of mine from way back.
    Plus, I like sharkmouths.

  8. Old kit
    but look nice..

  9. Hello Kevin...Good job of modeling that old Otaki F6F-3 Hellcat. As you've shown, with a little TLC, it can be built to look quite nice. The colorful markings you used certainly enhanced the finished model. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.

  10. I think you introduced yourself nicely with that Hellcat! Excellent work. Although I do agree with Tom that the weathering was a bit overdone for a ship-based subject, your technique is just outstanding. I especially love how you varied the exhaust stains as it flows over the panel lines and such. Visually stunning! I'll transfer some of what I see you've done on some of my work!

  11. Great work here! I have an Otaki F-6 in my stash and this build gives me inspiration to dig it out 🙂 Welcome on board!

  12. Thanks for all the comments and feedback! I can tell this is a good group here! Im actually having trouble signing in at the moment, hopefully it is resolved quickly. Looking forward to contributing more on imodeler! Happy Holidays! -KJ

  13. Just love that weathering.

  14. This is a great looking Hellcat. Otaki / Arii are pretty nice kits, even if they aren’t the “latest and greatest”.

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