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Gary Brantley
44 articles

Classic Monogram warbirds

February 13, 2013 · in Aviation · · 14 · 6.6K

The Curtis and the Mitsubishi A6M5 Type 0 in scale. Both of these were built at least 20 years ago but I only got them out to the airport last year for a photo session. Both reveal my limitations as a model builder back then, and those probably haven't improved as much as I'd like since then. The A6M5 has my first fully scratch-built cockpit but with the one-piece kit canopy, most of the work is largely unseen. I've been telling myself for 20 years that I'll buy a Squadron vac canopy and open it up to show off the details. I used the book, "Great Book of World War Airplanes" with illustrations by the great Rikyu Watanabe for the detail information. Best as I can recall, it turned out pretty good; maybe someday I'll get to see it again. But for now, here they are. Thanks for letting me share this "blast from the past", in more ways than one!


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