1/35 Tamiya Jagdpanther (late)
This is my second article posted. I'm new to I-modeler and I have received a warm welcome from many. Thanks!
I have a lot of finished models, mainly 1/48 aircraft (some 1/32) and 1/35 armor. My main interest is in the WW2 and Korean War era from all Nations.
Please stay tuned for more articles to follow as I try to get the hang of it here.
Here is my rendition of a late war Jagdpanther. It is built out of the box, with the addition of the Tamiya plastic individual track links. It is finished using all Model Master enamel colors. The interior red primer color is a 50/50 mix of model master burnt sienna and British crimson. I started with a panzer olivgrun base coat and added French Chestnut for the brown shade striping and 1943 Panzer Dunkelgelb for the thin yellow stripes.
Then highly thinned coats of Russian Earth Brown and Russian Earth Gray were airbrushed on to replicate the effects of road dirt and grime. It is not based on any particular vehicle, but was a late war camouflage scheme that I saw photos of online (and I wanted to try out).
If you look closely at the inner road wheels you can see where I tried to duplicate the effects of the track center guides wearing off the paint and road grime.
The model was painted using my Iwata HP C plus airbrush. I used Tamiya's “Weathering Master sets “A”, “B”, and “C” to give some additional weathering effects.
Overall it was a very enjoyable build with no problems at all. Just make sure you orient the tracks in the right direction. I used the box top illustration for that.
The photos I took using my iPhone and tried it with and without a flash.
Enjoy and as usual comments are welcome.
Looks just as good here as it did in the group section, Louis (maybe better) - 🙂
Thanks buddy for the great advise on posting !
I see you changed your "headline" photo - I think I like that one better.
Very cool looking, I don't build armor, but I do like a good tank, especially when its built well, like this. Well done Louis !.
and welcome aboard our little model group.
Nice looking build, Louis. Always good to see some armour postings here. My only quibble is a personal preference - I always like to see armour on a terrain base, but otherwise very nice.
Impressive build., and welcome.
Very nice build. The weathering and detailing came off well. If you want a photo tip - get a piece of white poster board and set it up on a table but curved up against the wall - then shoot photos on that. I then use a simple graphics program to adjust the brightness, contrast saturation to clean it up a bit. Just use my iPhone w/o flash and no additional lighting.
Thanks for the tips, especially the poster board. I've been using white cloth. I'll have to get the poster board and give it a try.
Great to see your Jagdpanther here too, looks great and you nailed the camo.
Very good job. Ditto on the camo likes, the pattern is excellent.
Thanks everyone for the compliments. I appreciate that. I have quite a few armor models that I can write articles on and post.
I'm just about finished with my M-60A1 that is a replica of one of the tanks that I actually served in as a crew member. I have to weather it some more and dirty it up a little then it will be ready.