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Tzigkounakis Tasos
47 articles

1/48 Kingfisher with catapult

December 15, 2016 · in Aviation · · 31 · 4.2K

This is a full scratch catapult and a old with a lot of hand made improvements by my own.I hope you like it

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

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31 responses

  1. Wow, love it. Fantastic job. Trying to find a Kingfisher myself. Hard to find. Love the catapult.

  2. I love all the staining on the cowling and the float, it's bold but IMHO adds so much character to the model. Sooo right. Thanks for sharing this. Great job

  3. Wow that is beautiful! My only suggestion, not a criticism, and since it's done maybe a "next time" suggestion is go lighter on the rust on the catapult. In the Navy we used to say "if it doesn't move paint it, if it does wait until it stops and paint it" Nevertheless that is an awesome build and the rust effects are spectacular! It does look wonderful, so much character really tells a story! Great job!

  4. Poli oreo Tzigkounakis! Synxaritiria!

  5. You have produced an outstanding example of modeling creativity with your Kingfisher and scratch built catapult. That effort goes well beyond what most modelers attempt to do (myself included) when building a model. I compliment you on producing a fine diorama as well as some excellent photography...all very nicely done.

  6. Jim (once again) took the proverbial words right outta my mouth. I can only second everything he - and the others - have said. I have a feeling we'll be seeing this one again next month (wink, wink). Stellar workmanship, sir!

  7. Nice. I thought at first glance that you had the HPM cat.

  8. Excellent workmanship, in all aspects! Love the weathering.

  9. Looks great love the catapult


  10. I wish I could compliment you at the same level as your model but am not that good at writing. Suffice it to say, it impressed my socks off, now I have to go find them. That's one rip-snortin', rootin-tooting, heck of a good model - way to go!

  11. One word, no make that two,A Wow for the catapult and a wow for the Kingfisher. great work.

  12. Excellent work as well as scratch building too boot. The pics really show it off.

  13. thank you very much my friends,I am glad you like it

  14. Great work, congratulations !

  15. How could we not like it! Museum build! Next, you'll scratchbuild a battleship for it to go on, or maybe just a 3 gun turret. You sure made the old Monogram Kingfisher look good! It's a basic kit, by todays standards, but easier to add detail than to grind away wrong stuff.
    Nice to see one built, I remember when it came out. I had hair.

  16. You have really done a fantastic job with this. Everything looks great ! The plane, the catapult, I mean everything. Thanks for sharing this masterpiece with us.

  17. Brilliant modelling, thank you for sharing it with us.

  18. What a masterpiece, this is just fantastic! Cheers Christian

  19. This is one of the finest models I've EVER seen. It's a shining example of the finest model maker's art. The launch catapult is excellent. My Father flew some of these during WWII and he enjoyed the experience. Outstanding!

  20. The precision, detail, and craftsmanship here is beautiful. I have to say that every day I see models on this site that just stun me, and this is certainly one of those. I LOVE the Kingfisher and the catapult takes my breath away.
    Bravo, Tzig, bravo.

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