5 articles · 395 karma · 6 friends · active 41 minutes ago

"American Samurai"F-15J Eagle, 1/72

Hi folks, I finally managed to finish something: The amazing F-15J Eagle from Fine Molds in 1/72 scale. I used Kris Sieber's "Ink" weathering method, because his F-15 build really inspired me. Additionally, I... scratch built [...]

"Bare Beauty"CF-104D Starfighter in 1/72

Hi folks, in case you are not yet in Christmas mood, taking a look at my recently finished build might help you. Ho, ho, ho! It features the "old" Hasegawa CF-104D in 1/72: all natural metal areas were dressed up with Bare [...]

F-16C Block 25 "Aggressor" (1/48 Tamiya)

Hello all, this is my recently finished F-16C Block 25 "Aggressor" in 1/48 scale. I added a lot of goodies: Black Dog "Big Set" - Awesome details, but bad fit and casting quality Avionix cockpit plus some Quinta [...]

“Three Perfect Ladies in Italy” (Tamiya Spitfire MK VIII, 1/32)

Hi folks, this is my second submission to imodeler... The diorama depicts a possible scene in Italy in 1944: An American Spitfire Mk. VIII is forced to belly-land near to a farm. In order to hide it as far as possible during repair, the [...]

F6F Hellcat Diorama (1/48)"Anatomy of a cat"

Hello everybody, this is my first submission to iModeler, and I hope you like it. This tiny virtual museum diorama features Jasmine's awesome "skeleton" Hellcat. I've added an Eduard R-2800 engine - which is quite challenging - [...]