30 articles · 2.6K karma · 17 friends · active 4 years ago
Dad. Husband. Plastic scale model assembler.
Started some time ago, this was a "group build". Five of them, all Nr. 42.
The HB kit it's an easy kit to build, good fit, some nice details. Obviously, there are some mistakes also, painting instructions and decal for [...]
Hello guys
So much fun getting together this little gem of a kit. Fully recommended for a fun build.
MrPaint paint, had some problems with silvering on decals.
Happy modelling to you all.
Hello again
Fast job with a great kit, I'm happy to post my second entry this month.
Paint and weathering products from Ammo by Mig.
Started some months ago, I'm happy to declare him finished.
Superb kit from Eduard, nice details, great fit.
Painted with MrPaint 74/75/76/04/66/02.
Hello everyone
Finished in great rush, practically OOB, it's a nice kit, easy to assemble and work with.
I take full credit of the mistakes. ?
Last week I've been invited to the annual meeting of the Alba Iulia Modelers Association concluded with the contest trophy.
Enriched with the participation of models that have win prizes during Moson Show and with participants from Italy, [...]
Finally, I was able to finish this Meng tank, a straightforward build, MrPaint paint, Ammo/Mig various pigments and washes.
Happy to see it amongst other tanks in the Alba Iulia Contest "Carolina Cup" 2018.
Hello everyone
Started 15 days ago (a kind of a record for me) it is completed now and I'm very happy sharing it with you guys.
The kit it is superb, great detail and fit. There are some minor issues but nothing to scare an usual skill [...]
Images created during 2018 Moson Model Show at the iModeler booth.
Images created during 2018 Moson Model Show at the iModeler booth.