2 articles · 235 karma · 2 friends · active 3 years, 3 months ago

Marines – The hottest way to deliver ordnance

She is all done and looking like she threw down some ordnance! Academy’s 1/35 AH-1Z Viper I used the Flying Leathernecks decals, so many to choose from. I decided on the Red Skeleton Jolly Roger of VMM-163. I picked up the Werner Wings [...]

Ford Thunderbird (no, is that a Mustang lol) Tribute

Here's my Thunderbirds Tribute based on a specialty car Ford built. It's based off Revell's 1/24 prepainted 2014 Mustang GT. With a fun build in mind I decided not to do anything that would cause me to cut up the original plastic, only add [...]