7 articles · 7.9K karma · 28 friends · active 1 year, 3 months ago

Long time kit builder. Mostly WW2 aircraft.

Westland Whirlwind

Hi, Here is another of my recent builds, the old Airfix Westland Whirlwind in 1/72 scale. This is a "retooling" from the '70's rather than the original kit they produced in the 1960's. Although a simple kit with less than 50 [...]

ICM Bf 109F-4

Hi, I haven't posted here for a while, but that doesn't mean i have stopped modelling. Here is my recently completed ICM Messerschmitt 109F in 1/48 scale. Not a bad kit but it took some persusading to fit together well. Finished in the [...]

Airfix 1/48 Hurricane Mk 1

This is the old tooling of Airfix's Mk 1 Hurricane. I chose to model it "in flight" and mounted the aircraft on a clear plastic pole. The base is a fence post top covered with model railroad static grass. Mostly the kit was built [...]

Battle of Britain BF 109E

1/48 Airfix kit which was built OOB with aftermarket decals. The aircraft depicted is from JG 26 based at Caifiers France August 1940. Flown by Staffelkapitain Gerhard Schophel, who claimed a number of victories during BoB including 4 in [...]

Review: iModeler Review – New Tool 1/48 Airfix Spitfire Vb

Some of you may well be asking why do we need another 1/48 Spitfire? Hasegawa, and Tamiya have both produced excellent kits of the Vb, and there are readily available kits by some of the short run producers - Whether or not any of these [...]

Review: iModeler Review – Airfix 1/72 Bristol Blenheim

Hot off the press – the new tool 1/72 scale Bristol Blenheim Mk1 by Airfix (£14.99 converts to $25 US). These, thankfully, bear no resemblance to the old tool Airfix Mk IV in terms of engineering, detail and, hopefully, build. The [...]

iModeler Review: Airfix 1/72 Hawker Hurricane Mk 1

Presenting the "new" 1/72 Airfix (early) Mk 1 Hurricane. This is an upgraded release of the first mark 1 that was made available at the end of 2013. The main difference with this release is you have the dehaviland 3 blade prop [...]