392 articles · 23.6K karma · 191 friends · active 6 hours, 35 minutes ago

Hi, my name is Martin; I am the orginal inventor of iModeler, and proud webmaster of this site.
If you want to know more about me, please read: Editor’s Story: How iModeler came to be.

iModeler tutorial12 practices to bring your iModeler writing to the next level

Here are a few tips to help you bring out the best of your writing at iModeler. Always set a title that clearly states what your article is about. To achieve that, write a title that is clear first, catchy second. Aim at a casual reader, [...]

iModeler tutorialPosting your first article at iModeler: A gentle introduction

The following is a gentle 3-minute introduction to creating your first article at iModeler. Make sure that you are logged in as most of the features presented below will only be visible to logged in users. If you want to include pictures [...]

iModeler tutorialMarkdown formatting Q&A

Can I use HTML in my posts? Yes, you can use a limited set (as opposed to full range) of HTML tags. How do I make the text bigger (colorful, centered, etc) ? You can't. Markdown will help you to add formatting to the body text of your [...]

iModeler tutorialBBCode (deprecated) reference guide

Note: BBCode is deprecated. The recommended way of formatting text at iModeler is Markdown. BBCode, now merely a legacy method, will continue to work mainly for compatibility reasons, and to provide continued support for content pasted [...]

iModeler tutorialMarkdown reference guide

This article is a full reference guide for Markdown. If all you need is a cheat sheet, please check our: Quick formatting guide for articles, posts and comments Historically, iModeler used to support an approach to text formatting called [...]

iModeler tutorialQuick formatting guide for articles, posts & comments

Paragraphs: When entering text, leave an empty line between paragraphs. This is the first paragraph. This is the second paragraph. Headings are created by starting a line with one or more #. # This is a heading ## This is a [...]

Moson Model Show 2019 – Part 7 (Aircraft, 1/72 scale)

Our review of aviation models at the 2019 Moson Model Show wouldn't be complete without a selection of 1/72 scale aircraft. By kind permission of the show organizers we were able to produce quality studio photos of selected models in this [...]

Moson Model Show 2019 – Part 5 (Aircraft, 1/48 scale propeller, contd.)

Continuing our review of aviation models presented at the 2019 Moson Model Show, here is a further selection of 1/48 scale aircraft. Feel free to comment on and discuss your favorites. Stay tuned for all the forthcoming other parts of this [...]

Moson Model Show 2019 – Part 3 (Aircraft, 1/48 scale jets)

Continuing our review of aviation models at the 2019 Moson Model Show, here is a selection of jet aircraft in 1/48 scale. Feel free to comment on and discuss your favorites. Stay tuned for all the forthcoming other parts of this coverage [...]

Moson Model Show 2019 – Part 2 (Aircraft, 1/48 and larger-scale propeller)

Here's our first tour of the aviation tables at the 2019 Moson Model Show. This gallery covers propeller-era aircraft models in 1/48 scale, with occasional objects in 1/32. Feel free to comment on and discuss your favorites. Stay tuned for [...]