9 articles · 409 karma · 7 friends · active 10 years, 12 months ago

From Stockholm, Sweden. I build a little bit of everything nowadays, but I started out with aircraft, mainly WW2 in 1/72 scale, based on a big interest in airplanes. I have a bit of a problem finishing my project since I often find something new to start on before I finish. Consequently I have a lot of 'works in progress' lying around my workbench.

iModeler contest December random award.

The other week I got a postage slip saying I had a package waiting at the local mail delivery spot. A few days ago I went to get it and in the package was a nice surprise. It was my prize for the December iModeler contest random Award, a [...]

Some small scale stuff

Here's some small kits i put together. The apache and the Viggen are in 1/144 scale, and the others are even smaller scales. They are from the top: AH-64D Longbow apache B-1B Tu-144 'Concordskij' SAAB 37 Viggen prototype Ariane, ESA's [...]

RAF Rescue launch 1/72

This Airfix old kit of the Royal Air Force Rescue Launch that picked up downed pilots from the waters of the English channel during WWII. I built it many years ago, but did some touch up painting and weathering work on it [...]

Hughes 500 Defender T.O.W. 1/48

This is academys 1/48 kit of the Hughes 500D with TOW anti-tank missiles. A very nice kit to build and there is a number of different kits using the same basic moulds. It has good detail and a good fit. I built it almost out of the box, I [...]

BAE Hawk 1/72 Italeri

This is Italeris kit of the Finnish version of BAE Hawk. It has somewhat better detailing than the usual Italeri kits. I only did some minor detailing and weathering with a graphite pencil.

F-20 Tigershark 1/72 Hasegawa

This is another nice kit from Hasegawa, built out of the box. Unfortunatley I used Johnson floorpolish as clear coat on this model, and put too thick layers of it, so the polish has cracked in some places (you can see it under the cockpit [...]

SAAB J35ö Draken 1/72

This is the Hasegawa 1/72 scale kit of the Austrian version of J35 Draken. It is a splendid kit and a joy to build. It is built out of the box, with the pitot tube replaced with stainless wire.

P-51D Mustang 1/72

This is an old Airfix kit that I put together some years ago and tested some weathering techniques on it. The kit and its detail is not so good, but I was happy with the result of the weathering and the worn look of it. I gave it a base [...]

7TP Polish WWII tank 1/35

I just got a new mobile phone with a 13 megapixel camera, so I thought that I should test it by taking some pictures of models I've built. Starting with the 1/35 scale Polish 7TP tank from early WWII. The kit is by Mirage Hobby I think. I [...]