7 articles · 508 karma · 4 friends · active 1 week, 1 day ago

Painting Advice Sherman Tank

I am a relative newbie at this, so I am turning to the group for advice here. I have a 1/35 Sherman. I painted it in Tamiya XF-62, olive drab. In my opinion it is too dark. Hopefully it will make a nice base coat. Here is the [...]

Seeking advice for an old model kit.

I am posting this seeking advice from people with more experience than myself. I have posted before, I am getting back into the hobby after MANY years away from it. I am nearing completion of several models, including this one. I have run [...]

Revell 1/32 P-38 Kit, missing parts

I have recently acquired a Revell 1/32 P-38 kit. The problem is it is missing some parts: Part # Description 34 Fuselage nose 31 20mm Cannon 32A and 32 B Short machine [...]

Where to find supplies

I am going to be building some biplanes, I have rigging questions. I have found you tube videos and articles on rigging. I have EZ line. My question is where can I find some of the other supplies? Things like micro tubing and ring [...]

Empire of Japan. Rufe.

I finally finished my first model in 30 years! Getting back into building now that I will have a lot more time. Unfortunately my part time job turned into a full time job since summer, so it took me quite a while to finish this. Tamiya [...]

Rigging Biplanes- Looking for help.

I would like some opinions from people about how to best rig biplanes. I have read a few articles I found online. If you have any experience on which technique you like best, which article you found most helpful, or just how you do it, I [...]

Paint preferences.

I am getting back into the hobby after 30 years! So much has changed. I would like to get some opinions on paints. Back in the 1980's, I only had access to the Testors enamels, which are great paints. Now I see lots of acrylic paints [...]