6 articles · 581 karma · 6 friends · active 5 years, 10 months ago

I'm from Austria and i started building scale models when i was a child back in the early 90‘s. My first kits were 1/72 scale planes from Revell. Through all my years as scale modeller my favourites nowdays are german army vehicles from WW2 in 1/35 scale.

Follow me on Instagram: KaPa86

Battle of the Bulge Diorama 1/35

Hi iModelers! Today i want to show you my latest build, i‘ve been working on the last two months! It‘s a scene from the latest great german offensive in the ardennes region in december 1944 (also known as „the battle of the bulge)! [...]

Stug IV from Revell

Hi iModelers! Today i want to show you a Stug IV (Sd.Kfz 167) from Revell (#03255) i builded a few months ago! All in all a very nice build, no troubles at all! On this model i wanted to test the chipping fluid from AK, but i‘m not [...]

Sd.Kfz 124 Wespe (Tamiya #35200)

Hello iModelers! Today i want to show you my Sd.Kfz 124 Wespe i have builded last year! It‘s the kit from 1996 #35200 not the new one that came out last year, but still a great modell! Tamiya typical it was a very easy assembling and i [...]

Zimmerit the first try (Revell’s Jagdpanzer IV)

Hi guys, today another heavy metal build for you! Revell‘s old Jagdpanzer IV early version kit #03024 (based on a Dragon kit from 1996)! The build was quite simple, only a few things to modify! I‚ve changed the barrel trough a self [...]

The beast – Sturmtiger 1/35 (Tamiya)

Today I want to share my Sturmtiger with you, which i built a few months ago! The kit is from Tamiya (#35177) in 1/35 scale with the PE Parts from Eduard (the BigEd Set #BIG351 which includes the Zimmerit coat, the interior and exterior [...]

Dragon’s Sd.Kfz 131 Marder 2 on the Eastern Front in 1943

Hello to all of you! I'm a new member and this is my first article for you, hope you enjoy it! 🙂 This is my latest diorama - I've finnished it a few weeks ago. It shows the famous "Kohlenklau" (coal thief) of Unteroffizier [...]