10 articles · 453 karma · 8 friends · active 3 months, 3 weeks ago

My first models come mid 1980s - ZTS Plastyk kits such as PZL-37 Łoś, or Jak-1M... now this is badged 'vintage modelling'. There was quite a few card models on the way too. 90% of the subjects were airplanes. In 1990s mainstream plastic manufacturers began to be widely available here in Poland and I went with the flow, again focusing my efforts on aviation. After 2001 there was a break form hobby which apparently is mandatory to every modeller at some point. I was back at the bench in 2008. This time the subjects filtered down to golden era of post war jet aviation - when the sky was no longer the limit (or at least we thought so). The scale had initially been 1/72, at some point it shrank to 1/144 in (pathetic) attempt to finish more models.

Since 2013 I co-organize Wroclaw Model Show - show in Poland, annually in April.

2015 marked new endavor, quite unexpected for me - we started the Shelf Oddity with two friends - now manufacturing 1/144 decals and accessories & 1/700 ship accessories.

Yak-23 1/144 (Mikro Mir + Shelf Oddity)

Hello everyone! This model has been finished in December 2020, but photos and editing dragged on a bit. The kit is Mikro Mir, which I really like and highly recommend. This is the most crisp and delicate short-run kit I've seen. Mikro [...]

F-117 1/144 [Dragon+2x Shelf Oddity]

Hello everyone! There is a locked subject somewhere in dungeons of kampfgruppe144 forum where I enthusiastically begin this kit. 2014? There was this idea on the way of adding photoetched details to it. So instead of quick build it became [...]

F4D Skyray Project NOTSNIK (1/144 Miniwing + Shelf Oddity)

Why ”NOTSnik”? Well of course because of the Sputnik. In 1956 US Navy Naval Ordnance Test Station was developing various unmanned vehicles. One of ideas on the table was air launched vehicle propelled by motors from SUBROC [...]

П-42 (P-42 “Streak Flanker”) (1/144 Trumpeter)

May I present you the P-42 (former T-10-15 Su-27 demonstrator modified to set time to climb records) in 1/144 scale. Base kit is Trumpeter, with some chopping done to align with the original airframe. Anything that was not essential to the [...]

F6F-5K Hellcat + XAAM-N-2 Sparrow I (1/144 Platz)

Here we are in late 1940s / early 1950s, Point Mugu Test Center - Naval Air Station west of Los Angeles. First Sparrow, named XAAM-N-2 (X for experimental, A for air launched, another A for air target, M for missile, N as Navy and 2 - well [...]

J35 Draken 1/144 (F-Toys + Shelf Oddity)

This is F-Toys gashapon kit, stripped of the paint and repainted using Vallejo and Hataka Blue Line paints. It also served as test article for prototyping the PE set (see Shelf Oddity stuff). F-Toys kits are absolute gems. I've seen many [...]

HP Victor B.2 1/144 (GWH+Shelf Oddity)

GWH kit with Shelf Oddity details and refueling probe & pitots from Master. This is XL164 B.2, Blue Steel aircraft. Modelled without Blue Steel. With no evidence to the contrary I assumed that when no missile was carried, the bomb bay [...]

Supermarine Attacker FB.2 (1/144 Miniwing + Shelf Oddity)

Tail wheeled operational jet fighter? Exactly how many other were there? Long development period (initial specs issued in 1944) leveraged by short career in Royal Navy (1950-1954 in frontline service, taken out in 1957), equally short in [...]

Douglas X-3 Stiletto 1/144 (Dragon & Shelf Oddity)

Looks fast, isn't it? Douglas engineers designed this research airplane with intention of investigating speeds of around 2000 mph. Well, they forgot to tell that to engine designers. X-3 was so underpowered it could not exceed sound [...]

X-15-1 1/144 (Dragon)

This is my debut on iModeler: the North American X-15-1, by Dragon and me. This is also the first time I strayed form 1/72 scale. Not the last one. The model represents first produced (second flying) X-15 in its earliest stage of life. [...]