3 articles · 0.7K karma · 3 friends · active 9 years, 11 months ago

1/32 Trumpeter. Mig-23 MLA

Mig-23 MLA. red 39. corps of Moscov air defence.(28 th.guard fighter regiment ) 1983.

F-105 G Wild Weasel 1/48 Hobbyboss

Hello colleagues! I will briefly summarize some of the steps taken while my building scale 1: 48-F-105 G from HobbyBoss. Landing gear bays and ejection seat are Aires, while surface treatment was done using acrylic color models Vallejo [...]

F-4 J PHANTOM 1/48 hasegawa (VF-191)

Originally, the kit was the F-4B variant which I upgraded to represent an accurate J version. All the details were re-scribed.