123 articles · 3.8K karma · 14 friends · active 1 day, 22 hours ago

Dentist in general practice. Part time wanna be triathlete [ when the body allows] Passionate about modelling. Mainly a figure modeller[ Napoleonic and WW1] sculptor and painting for 25 years. More lately have discovered the WW1 era of aeroplanes and some Russian WW2 aircraft[...no idea why!] Still paint the old fashioned way with oils. Still bringing in the 'gongs' at the shows!


Copper State Models 1:32 Tamiya paints Gaspatch terminals on Model Kasten rigging ProperPlane prop.

Marine Feld Jasta 1917. Hans Goerthe

1:12 resin sculpted by Mike Good Oils

Marin des Equipages de La Flotte: Pre-Dreadnought Gaulois 1915 Dardanelles

War and Peaces Miniatures 65mm Oils

Admiral Nelson 1858-1805

1:9 Alexandros Figures Oils Lace in acrylic

Hannover CL.II with groundwork and figures

Home made ground work with Model Cellar figures(Oils) and Aviattic fuel cart, Kellerkind tail skid trolley

Hannover CL.II 'White 5'

WNW 1:32 In progress shots show fuselage first painted via tape masks to get the lozenge finish( took forever!) which is then over-sprayed with a grey-blue ( took 5 mins !)allowing a hint of lozenge to show through.. Upper centre wing and [...]

Australian Infantryman , Battle of Fromelles, 1916

Wars-and -peaces-miniatures.fr 65mm resin Oils with acrylic webbing

General Paul von Hindenburg 1847-1934

Time Life Miniatures 1:9 Oils Printing ink metals

"Calamity Jane" Model 1918 155mm Howitzer . Fired the last shell of 1918 @ 10:59.59 on 11 Nov 1918

Das Werk kit 1:35 Tamiya paints. Pigments and oil weathering Figure from Model Cellar in oils

Winston Churchill, 21st Lancers, Sudan 1898

Dolamn Miniatures 1:10 Oils Standard Indian/Pith helmet and broader Wolsey helmet