3 articles · 320 karma · 3 friends · active 2 weeks, 2 days ago

I started model building in the 60's when I was a kid. Back then I made them as toys and wanted to finish them as quickly as possible. I remember zooming planes when the wings were not dry and would be still drooping. I stopped building for many years to pursue career and family (oh how life gets in the way). I built a few over the years and have recently begun to get more serious since I've retired. Looking forward to see all the great builds on iModeler.

B 17 exhaust staining on wing tops

I'm sure this has been covered before. I see many B 17 models that show engine exhaust staining when viewed from above as incorrect. The four vents behind each engine were for the intercooler and did not create any dirty staining by [...]

B17G Tribute to my Uncle

This is a tribute to my Uncle (Edward Ah Tye) who flew in this B-17G–20–BO, “The Wild Hare” (42-31515). He flew the majority of his 35 missions in this bomber from June – November 1944 and returned home safely. He was part of [...]