18 articles · 0.9K karma · 9 friends · active 3 years, 2 months ago

Review: LP Models 3D printed ladders

Thanks to René Van Der Hart and his awesome models, We finally have chance to show more of our ladders on models, enjoy 🙂

With winter comes news for russian planes on LP Models

Just released new 3D printed ladders for modern russian jets.

Review: Still more news are coming from LP Models

thnx to our modeler friends we have new photo of our products. This shows you what you receive in box from us. No need to brush or cement just paint 🙂 P.S. Models of airplanes are not included 😀 Thnx for photos and models to David [...]

Review: News from LP Models

I decided to show you whats new in Lpmodels.eu . We start to make ladders for scale model planes. No glue or sand paper needed just paint 😉

Fairey Firefly 1/48 Trumpeter

My first finished model this year.

MiG-23M 1/48 Trumpeter

Usualy i build planes from Nam Era this time i try somethink different hope you will like it 😉

Kfir C.7 AMK 1/48

Almost finished just AA rockets missing. One of the best models i ever have in hands. Salut to AMK. I need more of their Models ( waiting for F-14 ? )

1/72 F3H-2 Demon from Sword

New model from Sword lets start build giving some photos for you guys. Model will be soon on sale 😉 more photos from build will come ASAP 😉

FW 190 F8 1/48 Tamiya SG4. June Italy 1944

My first FW 190 i ever built hope you will like it 😉

Lets start new project :) U-125A 1/72

It's time to leave Nam era planes for while and lets start this new model from Sword U-125a more photos from build will come soon 🙂