1 articles · 262 karma · 1 friends · active 9 months, 1 week ago

Modeller for around 50 years

Favorite subjects anything British especially Fleet Air Arm

Love Revell history makers series which i am collecting

Retired Media Sales Manager/Photographer now a house husband

Love Red Wine and improving my Curmudgeon skills

Live in a suburb of Bendigo (Kangaroo Flat) in the centre of the southern state of Victoria

Work ? occasionally in local hobby shop when owner is away

Formed a model group 12 months ago of like minded souls we meet at my place in my garage (kit storage area) every month

F.M H.P Hampden

Hello All Here is a snapshot of my workbench at the moment, as you can see i am about to finish a 1/48 Spitfire prototype (Tamiya conversion) and working on a Heller 2 seat Mirage 111 and an Airfix Javelin ( absolute joy) And a F.M H.P [...]