7 articles · 520 karma · 7 friends · active 1 week, 2 days ago

I build sci-fi models from scratch. NorthEastern United States.
For more details about how these models were built, visit my (offsite) blog:

Codename: Gerbera (Kitbashed Mecha)

OK, this is a weird one. This is a robot model based on a drawing by Jan Buragay. It's mostly kit-bashed and scratched, with a few key elements being 3D printed. I’ve been slowly working on it, on and off, in-between some other projects [...]

Night Stalker

Here’s my latest build, kit-bashed from several kits from a variety of different scales & subjects. I started with a vague idea …a sort of crustacean-like thing, armoured on top, with an exposed, mechanical underbelly. I also [...]

1:35 Manned Walker

I’ve been wanting to build some sort of open cockpit piloted power suit / walker for a while now. I started with a seated tank crew figure from Miniart and built a seat for him from some styrene scraps and kit parts. I really didn’t [...]

1:35 scale Hitachi Construction Mech

This was built from a Hasegawa excavator kit and parts from a few Gundam robots and numerous scratch built elements.

Sci-fi Airship

This was based on a sketch by artist Rob Turpin. It was my first attempt at scratch building. It’s a weird design, but I really liked it right away. It reminded me of science fiction paperback covers from the 70s and 80’s and the [...]

1/15 Nostromo Airlock (Alien 1979)

Scratch built model of the Airlock from the movie Alien (79). Built from polystyrene sheet, Evergreen, & 3D printed styrene. I mostly worked from a production sketch by concept artist Ron Cobb, and a few frame grabs from the film. The [...]

1/35 Flying Truck

This is a scratch build inspired by the paintings of concept artist Ian McQue. It’s built from styrene sheet and detailed with kit parts and Evergreen. Finished with Acrylic paint, hairspray chipping and oil paint weathering.