43 articles · 4.1K karma · 19 friends · active 7 years, 9 months ago

As far as building models go, my main interest is WWII era aircraft, those newer planes (I think they are called 'jets') seem to be missing the most important part - the spinning thing on the front! I admire the skills involved in all the models here though, including jets, cars, armor, and ships.

I am a longtime musician, player of banjo, bass, dobro, mandolin and electric guitars, in bluegrass, rock and country bands, though I've semi-retired from that, seeking quieter activities. For my non-hobby time I am a 2nd generation land surveyor, Licensed in Virginia and West Virgina, and have been doing tht for over 35 years now.

Another interest of mine is astronomy and astrophotography.
See this link for some samples I have posted:

Group Build. JU-87B Stuka, Italeri 1/48

For my first time in a 'group build' I chose the Italeri 1/48 Ju-87B Stuka. It is also my first German aircraft, which I am generally challenged by since many of them have such complex paint schemes, and I am a 'hair brush & rattle [...]

A6M5 Zero, Revell, 1/48

Here's my new model, a Revell 1/48 Scale A6M5 Zero. This is a small, simple model, a grand total of 28 parts, 36 if you count the 9 decals I used! Of course it's rated for ages 10 and up, so I only barely meet that criteria, by the slim [...]

My little “Ad-lantic AdVentur-uh”

Hi all, here is my just completed Revell 1/48 PV-1 Ventura done in an "Atlantic" color scheme. I searched the web a lot for images of Venturas in this scheme, and am including the best image I found, a very handsome PV-1 in [...]

Kingfisher…Rode Hard & Put Up Wet

Here is my Kingfisher, Revell (Monogram (c) 1967), 1/48, just drug up out of the water it seems. I can't do any more for it... or to it! So...Yay! The poor old girl was suffering from a 2" abdominal fracture in the left rear fuselage [...]

A.K.A. “Val”

Here is my just completed Aichi D3A1 Type 99 dive bomber, AKA “Val”. It is a Hasegawa 1/48 scale kit, no ‘aftermarket’ stuff unless you count the seat belts which are aftermarket masking tape, or some of the markings, which I [...]

About the 50th P-40 here lately!

As soon as I started building this Italeri 1/48 P-40N it seems like they started coming out of the woodwork on Imodeler - which is fine with me, I love seeing everyone's different takes on this classic, a favorite of mine. In my first post [...]

Mosquito Mk. IV, 1/48, just done!

Greetings From Virginia, Friends! Here is my just completed Revell, 1/48 Mosquito Mk. IV. Seeing as how the instructions for this kit were pretty vague on some things and self-contradictory on some, I decided to take a little artistic [...]

Check this out Model Airplane and Scratchbuilding Enthusiasts

Wow - a 1:60 scale model Boeing 777 constructed from manila file folders - this knocked my socks off when I read and article about it in an engineering trade magazine. So I googled it up and found lots more images here: (link)

Dauntless, Done… SBD-4, 1/48, Hasegawa

After much ado and diligent effort over the past two and and a half weeks, I am calling my SBD-4 Dauntless 'done'...for a fairly unskilled builder like me it has been a challenge but I am pleased overall with the result which I humbly [...]

Wildcat, F4F-4, 1/48, Tamiya, My build #4

I often see the F4F referred to as a 'stubby little plane' or something similar, but to me the squared off angularity of it's wings and tail compliment the roundness of the fuselage nicely which I think is quite esthetically pleasing. This [...]