4 articles · 186 karma · 0 friends · active 1 year, 7 months ago

I live in Australia and have been involved in the hobby world for 40 years.i fly radio control planes and helicopters and build models, lots of models.i love 1/72 1/48 and 1/35.
I have so many kits laying around so expect more articles in the future.
I like to build my models to look as if they have been in battle rather than off the factory floor.

1/72 bf-109f/g. Academy, Amodel, Czech master kit.

The Tale of the ME109's... I'm a prop driven fighter guy.i love 109s p51s f4u corsairs all those beautiful planes.so I decided I wanted a bf109 with full engine and machine gun detail. I originally chose the academy kit and planned to cut [...]

1/35 Bio Chemical Warrior (Resin)

Havent posted for a while but heres one of my many projects i just finished. This figure was a real plesure to build and paint.up until i came to the gun.it is basicly a russian DSHK .50cal machine gun with some sort of modification to the [...]

1/35 Academy Jeep with DSHK.

I built this model many years ago after i saw a picture of something similar in a magazine. I had an old 1/35 Academy Jeep laying around.I started by removing the pasenger seat.i then used some sheet plastic i found in the bottom of an [...]

1/144 RAAF P51 (Minicraft)

This is my first 1/144 model.i normaly build 1/72 1/48 and 1/35 kits of all kinds.i got this kit off ebay for free.they sent me a $5 gift card and i purchased this kit with it. I replaced the decals with aftermarker decals from ebay.i [...]