8 articles · 471 karma · 5 friends · active 3 months, 1 week ago

Actively licensed but retired General Obstetrics and Gynecology physician and surgeon. Scale model builder intermittently from elementary school age but reactivated modeling in 2008. Interest in 1/72 scale multi-engine aircraft and 1/48 scale aircraft. My preferred build style is some enhancement of the kit as produced usually adding some scratch build items for increased accuracy, perhaps some photo etch or resin if it seems cost effective for the model. Almost all models are built for my personal satisfaction and enjoyment with no intent for contest entry and other than images posted to online venues only immediate family and friends will see the models in person. I can assure you 99% of that group are not discriminating modelers! I usually have three to five models under construction simultaneously to maintain interest although there are definite disadvantages to that approach. My build style can best be described as relatively traditional old school plastic scale model building without internalizing the stress of advanced contest focused modeling that is admirable and at another level. Enjoy and happy modeling and pass the interest to the younger generation.

Dragon 1/200 Tupolev Tu-95 K-22 Bear G

Tupolev Tu-95 Bear G, Dragon 1:200 kit#2006 completed with a mostly out of the box build. First issued in 1990 in this small scale the kit looked nice for a 1990s era kit with recessed panel lines and simplified but adequate detail for the [...]

U.S. Navy Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer in the Pacific Theater During World War II

Kit: Monogram 1/48 B-24D and Koster Aero Enterprises PB4Y-2 vacuform conversion kit #14. Price: Monogram B-24D, kit #85-5604, $38.95 last retail. Koster conversion #14, $38.95 in 1995, long out of production. Decals: Microscale set # 48-46 [...]

Airfix Avro Vulcan, 1/72nd scale, XM607, Falklands conflict

Inspired by reading Rowland White's book "Vulcan 607" recounting the history of the "Black Buck" missions during the Falklands conflict, this is the 1983 vintage MPC kit No. 1-4552 issue of the Airfix Avro Vulcan The [...]

Grandma's Finest Hour, the Blackburn Buccaneer in the 1991 Gulf War

1/48 Airfix kit#8100 HS Buccaneer S.2B. Well known to all Buc aficionados when the 1991 Gulf War commenced operations, the Lossiemouth Wing at Lossiemouth, Scotland deployed an initial batch of six Buccaneers to the Gulf for the purpose of [...]

Revell Tupolev Tu-95RT ((Razvedchik-Tseleookazatel, reconnaissance & target illuminator aircraft), 1/144 scale

This is the Revell 1/144 scale Tu-95 Bear, kit #4727, first issued in 1992 and now out of production but generally available for rather elevated prices on Ebay. I acquired mine years ago when it and shipping was more economical. This kit [...]

Tamiya Kawanishi N1K1 Kyofu Type 11, No. 135, "Sasebo Kokutai", 1/48 scale

This is the Tamiya Kawanishi N1K1 Kyofu Type 11, No. 135, "Sasebo Kokutai", 1/48 scale, kit #61036 First issued in 1994 I bought this for a reasonable price on Ebay and it had been sitting in my collection for at least 10 years. [...]

The Grumman J2F2 Duck amphibian 1/54 scale

1/54 scale. Glenco kit #04101 originally issued as the ITC kit #3727-98 in 1958. One of the fledgling Grumman Aircraft Company's first successful military contract utility aircraft designs this model is completed as assigned to the U.S. [...]

Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito 1/48 scale

This is the out of production ProModeler 1/48 Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito, kit#5959, 1999 issue. Revell Monogram Models produced the molds in South Korea and first issued the kit in 1999. Dragon Models later issued the same molds in their [...]