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Stephen Young
8 articles

Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito 1/48 scale

July 12, 2023 · in Aviation · · 14 · 345

Kit information:

This is the out of production ProModeler Focke-Wulf Moskito, kit#5959, 1999 issue. Monogram Models produced the molds in South Korea and first issued the kit in 1999. Models later issued the same molds in their boxing with the substantial addition being photo etched parts including the delicate FuG 220 SN-2 radar antenna array.

Build summary:

Out of the box build except for addition of balance weight and decal seatbelts. The quality of the molding is very high with overall excellent parts fit and assembly for all components with the exception of the styrene plastic radar antenna components. If I were to build this again I would obtain the Dragon boxing with the photo etch antenna components. To allow the model to sit on its tricycle gear requires a significant amount of weight added as far forward as possible unless the supplied tail prop is to be used. A total of 2.6 ounces of lead was used in the form of seven 158 grain lead .38 caliber bullets flattened by hammering. Three were installed in each engine nacelle behind nacelle part F2 and one underneath the cockpit floor behind the nose gear well all secured with Loctite 5 minute epoxy. Minimal seam filling was required due to a remarkably well engineered and overall excellent fitting kit.

Supplied kit decal markings represent Ta 154A0 Werk/N 12005, Kit painting instructions were followed but unfortunately later research shows it to be incorrect as high quality B&W images of the aircraft show the overall color scheme to be RLM 70 with RLM 75 blotches but in addition to a RLM 75 patch under the rear fuselage cross, there was a unknown darker tone paint over most of the vertical fin and rudder with no hakenkreuz present on the vertical fin. The plastic antenna array for the FuG 220 SN-2 radar is difficult to accurately align although I found assembly using Micro Scale Kristal Klear was effective. The finish is Tamiya acrylics over Tamiya X1 primer followed by Future gloss coat prior to decals and panel line wash and light weathering. Testors Dull Cote laquer satin final clear coat.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome 1 

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. I think you forgot to upload pictures! Would love to see this

  2. Looking great indeed! Welcome onboard at iModeler 🫡

  3. Awesome build, Stephen!
    Welcome aboard!

  4. Really nice looking Moskito, Stephen @sofglock
    You entered this great community with a beautiful build.
    Welcome and well done.

  5. Always good to see a Moskito build. One of my personal faves. Glad you posted it on iModeler. What else have do you have to show us, Stephen?

  6. Welcome aboard, Stephen. Great first entry...well done!

  7. Very nicely done, Stephen, welcome to iModeler.

  8. Great looking Moskito! Always thought it was a handsome design.

  9. Very nice work indeed, Stephen @sofglock!

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