20 articles · 0.8K karma · 7 friends · active 1 year, 8 months ago

I build cars and airplanes. I prefer 1/72 scale jets. I am retired and live in North Carolina and a member of IPMS Race City Modelers in Mooresville, NC. I am a long time friend of Imodeler Joe Caputo but please don't hold that against me.

You have to catch me first...

This Corvette was confiscated in a drug bust and is now patrolling the I26 corridor in western North Carolina. The kit is the Revell snapper built out of the box. Decals from the Linberg State Trooper kit. Painted with Krylon gloss black [...]

IPMS Race City Modelers July Meeting

The IPMS Race City Modelers had our July meeting yesterday. George Witters gave a demonstration on working with Aves epoxy and John Loner led a discussion on types of adhesives used in plastic modeling. Race City Modelers is entering the [...]

68 Roadrunner

This is an AMT 1968 Roadrunner kit. To get the stance I was looking for I had to lower the front and raise the rear axle. The paint is MM Nassau Blue lacquer with two coats of Future. The wheels are from an AMT 69 Barracuda and the tires [...]

SR-71 What If

Another WIFFER! It was a cold snowy February morning when I started this project. It was too cold to go outside and play so I decided to do a quick build from my dollar stash. That's a model you pick up for a dollar at a swap meet. As I [...]

IPMS Race City Modelers May Meeting

We had another successful club meeting this past Sunday at the Mooresville, NC Hobbytown USA. A lot of great models for show and tell. We had several discussions on the type of glues we each like to use and what we use to strip paint from [...]

IPMS Race City Modelers Meeting

The IPMS Race City Modelers club is the newest IPMS chapter. We got our charter this month. We meet at Hobby USA in Mooresville, NC the third Sunday of every month from 2:00 to 5:00. Here is some pictures from our last Sunday meeting. [...]

F-107A (What If)

My rendition of the Trumpeter F-107 as a fighter / interceptor. The drop tanks and missiles are from an ESCI F-100 kit. The paint is Krylon silver.

In for a long haul

1/24 scale Freightliner from AMT. The kit rear view mirrors were a fail so I need to scratch build some.

Gunze-Sangyo Porsche 959

Every once in a while you come across a model that such a pleasure to build. It is a simple curbside model but is so will engineered that everything fits just right.

A Tribute to Steve McQueen

Le Mans is my favorite McQueen movie. I had this old Airfix A-26 and thought it would make a good what if.