1539 articles · 34K karma · 0 friends · active 12 months ago

Interesting modeling videos found on Youtube, curated by the iModeler staff

Review: CSM 1/35 Romfell Panzerwagen Review

Video: "Under new management" Deutsche Afrika Korps Diorama in 1/35 Scale

Video: Stunning Parcel from Brian!

This was a really cool surprise to receive. A huge thanks to Brian for this. I should also note that I say "Pencil Crayon", that's just what colored pencils are called in Canada.

Video: Spitfire Mk XIV Conversion Wrap Up

This video wraps up the construction portion of the two 1/48 scale Spitfire Mk XIV conversions.

Video: Ferrari 330 P4 24h LeMans 1/24 Fujimi - Car Model

Patreon (link) Facebook page: (link) My web: (link) Sponsors: Airbrush Tools: ModelEmporium E-shop (link) Discount Code: plasmo10 Music/Hudba: Music by Epidemic Sound ((link)) (link) Our Hearts As One - Peter Sandberg Supine - Peter [...]

Review: Airfix 1/72 Buccaneer S2C Review

Review: Academy 1/72 F-35A Review

Video: MIG-25 Foxbat full video buildREVELL kit

1/72th scale Russian Mikoyan MiG-25 RBT, 03878 by Revell. Die MiG-25 Foxbat gehört zu den leistungsstärksten Flugzeugen der ehemaligen Sowjetunion, die 36 Tonnen schwere und bis zu 3.000 km/h schnelle Maschine war ein ernst zu nehmender [...]

Video: AEC Dorchester "Mammoth" Armored Command Vehicle Scale Model

Video: Wingnut Wings Fokker E.ii "Max Immelmann" 1/32 Build