The 1/48 Database at iModeler

6448 articles
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  • Last addition 7 years ago

1/48 scale modeling

1/48th Trumpeter Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23ML Iraqi Air Force January 1991, The Great Escape

It's 5:00 Am in late January, Capt Ahmad Al-Saladi is still contemplating what he and his brothers are about to partake. 2 days prior the Iraqi Air force had launched a rather ambitious attack against coalition ground forces that had [...]

Review: Airfix 1/48 North American P-51D Mustang

This is a review of the new (2017) Airfix model kit of the ever popular P-51D Mustang in 1/48 scale. Box number is A05131. I suspect we don´t need to waste any time and space on the P-51 history so we go straight to the review. The kit is [...]

Spitfire Mk.IXc

The 1/48 Spitfire from Eduard A good model without problems, the only problem for me is the scale, I usually work with 1:32 and this is my first 1:48 is a gift for a colleague. He asked me at this scale for size issues. But for my eyes it [...]

1/48 F-8E Crusader VF-162

I give to you the 1/48 Hasegawa F-8E VF-162 . Painted with Tamiya and MRP paints. Decals was off the Afterburner Yankee Station Mig Killers . Nice to have another shelf of doom project finished [...]

1/48 FW-190D-11, JV 44, “A Wulf in Parrots clothing”

This is the Hobbyboss FW-190D-11 in 1/48. Its a nice kit, with good engineering and crisp, delicate recessed detail. It requires a little modification to be an accurate D-11 (mis-located wing guns, no upper or lower wing bulges, upper gun [...]

Review: Airfix 1/48 Boulton Paul Defiant NF.1review

1/48 Supermarine Spitfire F Mk.22

Eduard's Limited Edition re-pop of Airfix's Supermarine Spitfire F Mk.22 from the late 1990's. Markings are for a scheme included in the kit for a 1948 entry in the Cooper Trophy Air Race, from No.607 RauxAF County of Durham [...]

Modeling time capsules, unboxing a classic Monogram kit

I have a thing for Monogram kits. Not just the nostalgia, which there is a great deal for me, but because they are still decent kits at a good price. I frequent a local hobby shop here in Seattle called Skyway Models. Emil the owner has [...]

THE FRYING PAN CHALLENGE. Part 2. Cockpit and engines.

With the FRYING PAN hanging above my tender neck, like the sword of Damocles, I've been working away on the Wellington. The interior of the aircraft has been build and finished. Trumpeter has added quite a bit of interior to the kit. Much [...]

Revell 1:48 F-8E MiG Killer

Known as the Fighting Checkmates and as the MiG Killers, with seven confirmed kills and one probable, including both the first and the last F-8 kill. VF-211 was second in MiG kills only to VF-96's F-4 Phantoms. Not a bad kit over all. I [...]