The 1/72 Database at iModeler

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1/72 scale modeling

F-16C Block 52+REVELL 1/72

The F-16C Block 52 + was built by me in 2009, from a very good Revell set. My task was to add some small elements that are characteristic of the Polish version. The model is in painting and marking from the 31st Tactical Air Base based in [...]

F-14A Tomcat VF-41 august 1981

Hello, I choose to represent this plane because when the old 1/48 F-14 Monogram appear, a french modeler dicided to publish this plane in "Fana de l'aviation". I read this book a lot of time since 1982 and i am very interesting [...]

Avia BH-11 "Boska" (Kovozavody Prostejov 1/72)

No, this year is not over! One more kit should be completed before 2018 will arrive! – this is what I was thinking about last week. So, the result. Avia BH-9/11 is a tiny sport aircraft from the golden age of aviation, produced in [...]

Heller 1/72 Dassault Mirage III-R

With 3 other models in various stages of building I've just finished this re-edition of this old Heller kit of the Mirage III-R in 1/72. I's a basic kit, keeping in mind the tooling is over 40 years old, but the lines of the Mirage III are [...]

A Little Help From My Friends...

I have a Sufa coming to convert into a Chilean F-16D Peace Puma, but I'm a little short on decals. I tried to find the old 1/72 TwoBobs set for the Peace Puma, but couldn't find one anywhere. I did buy the set of decals you see in the [...]

Review: Airfix 1/72 Avro Shackelton AEW.2 review

Mistercraft Focke Wulf FW-190 A-8 Rammjager 1/72 “Captive Jaeger”. “Caged Birds” serie

Starting this new line of captured warplanes or "caged birds", I let with you my Mistercraft Focke Wulf FW-190 A-8 Rammjager, my Captive Jaeger. I got this design from Pinterest. What can I say, the kit is not very [...]

P-39 Airacobra

Hi, finished this just in time for Christmas, this is the ubiquitous Academy 1/72 P-39Q/N Airacobra, could have been better, could have been worse. I had some fight with the canopy, because i used replacement vac one from CMK set, and this [...]

Review: Christmas came a little earlier this year (review on Modelcollect’s new tool 1:72 B-2 Spirit)

Hi Mates, I could not miss this commonplace title but this "little" kit just arrived from the manufacturer. I made a pre order (in 2016) practically when they just formed as a future manufacturer and annunced their plan to make a [...]

Convair F-102A Delta Dagger

Convair F-102 Delta Dagger, 431 Fighter Interceptor Squadron "Red Devils", Zaragoza, Espana, 1962. I made this model from the Meng 1/72 set in 2014, without any additions, just straight from the box.