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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

A Little Help From My Friends...

December 26, 2017 · in Aviation · · 4 · 1.4K

I have a Sufa coming to convert into a Chilean F-16D Peace Puma, but I'm a little short on decals. I tried to find the old TwoBobs set for the Peace Puma, but couldn't find one anywhere. I did buy the set of decals you see in the pictures, but it's for a single-seater, and there are two issues with it: 1) need an extra set of the ejection seat warnings (see other pic), and 2) I'll need a longer white stripe to get over the avionics hump (I'd rather decal that than paint it). I tried to find a duplicate set of these decals, but the one I secured is the only one I could find! I did secure a set of white stripes, so I should be covered there.

Here's my ask: 1) if you have other research options that might lead you to another set of these decals (or the old TwoBobs set), let me know; or 2) if you own this set and would be willing to sell, I'll buy it, or 3) all I really need are the white ejection seat warning decals - anyone have spares? Believe me - I looked at all the 1/72 decal sets I could find, and couldn't find another aircraft that wore white ejection seat warning markings - I could use that also. But warning - even though they LOOK white online, it doesn't mean they are! I bought an set that looked white in online images, but they were grey (and they were missing the black lettering anyway).

Thanks all!

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4 responses

  1. Greg, just a couple of thoughts, you could put both ejector seat markings on one side and leave the other side blank or you could just use four matching ones from something else and just say nothing to anyone , I can't help thinking if the Chilians are going to the bother of doing there own ejector seats markings wouldn't they have written them in Spanish or is it Portuguese ,anyhow maybe the decal sheet is wrong about the colour I know from experience that they get it wrong sometimes ,I wouldn't sweat it over these,just my two peneth.

    All the best Greg,N.

    • Spanish. To my knowledge, the only country down there in S. America that speaks Portuguese is Brasil. (or Brazil if spelling it like we Americans usually do. I used to speak the lingo - I lived there for a year when I was 8 and was fluent - at least I was fluent in "Eight Year-Old's Portuguese". Sadly, I forgot 99.99999% of the language on the flight home!)

  2. Unfortunately, I have no, none, nada, zero 72nd scale spares. Good luck in your quest. 🙁

  3. Hi Greg, why don't you purchase a sheet of decal paper and laser print them...I have done it before and it works real well, all you do after the printing is spray a few coats for clear gloss over them, cut them out and place in water,remove and place on the model and voila, done. That's what I would do, good luck mate.

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