The A-10C Database at iModeler

2 articles
  • Items tagged with A-10C
  • 2 articles
  • Not yet publicly visible (min 3 articles required)
  • Last addition 2 months, 2 weeks ago

1/48 Academy A-10CFlying Tigers with Lights.

This commission build is Academy’s 1/48 A-10C “75th FS Flying Tigers” kit. The scheme is how this aircraft looked in 2014. I added Eduard photo etch detail set, Master Model brass gun, Ares resin ejection seat, and I used eight [...]

Centennial Brrrrt...1/48 Fairchild-Republic A-10C Thunderbolt II, 104th FS "Fightin´ O´s", Maryland ANG

2/2024 One of my dad´s more rare excursions in the modern jet world. IMO still the most bada$$ ground attacker and CAS aircraft. As I´ve read it is declared dead once again in a few years...let´s see. Hobby Boss kit, mostly oob. HB did [...]