The B-35 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with B-35
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 day, 1 hour ago

KP 1/72 Avia B.35.1

This is an old kit from KP, kit no.8 first released in 1974. It is a simple kit with a not so great fit but still not a bad kit to deal with. The history of this plane is a short one, this model represents the first prototype that first [...]

AMT / Ertl Northrop X/YB-35 in 1/72 Scale

This is the AMT / Ertl X/YB-35, a very large kit when built, but a unique subject. This kit takes some work, think of it as a limited run effort and you will be well prepared. I opened up the wing leading edge inlets and the wing slots [...]

Avia B. 35

Here’s my 1/72 KP Models Avia B.35. It’s a very basic kit with soft exterior detail and a canopy that makes the generic detail in the cockpit very difficult to see. Nevertheless, I enjoyed making this unusual addition to my [...]