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Bill Koppos
122 articles

Thought the Wildcat thing petered out, eh? My Kid’s F4F-3….

March 24, 2013 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.9K

Hobbyboss -3 "Early" built by my son, Kyle a while ago. I happen to think really got this one right, and it really looks spiffy in the early wargames scheme. If I recall this one was a kit provided scheme. Looks cool with a tube sight too. Anyway I dredged it up and here for your pleasure, it is...Kyle still turns one out once in a while, they're all beauties. Always after him to do more.

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5 responses

  1. A really nice job...detail is outstanding. I guess Kyle had a good teacher, huh...? You neglected to say how old your son is. And you're right - he SHOULD keep a hand in it. His talents mirror his dad's. Oh...I get it - you don't want him to pass you in that department, right? LOL
    Tell Kyle his modeling skills are super!

  2. Well well, nice to have proof that talent is indeed genetic in origin. 🙂

    Very nice - you're getting me itchy to do one of the HB Wildcats hanging around here.

  3. Kyle is a fantastic builder and I would be one of those who are after him to build more often. He really did a great job and if you think it looks good in the pictures...

  4. Tell Kyle that he does good work.

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