The Brewster Database at iModeler

9 articles
  • Items tagged with Brewster
  • 9 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 6 months ago

Brewster B-339 Buffalo, Tamiya 1/48 (No.61094 year 2004)

Hi all, Already four months ago I received this wonderful gift from my great friend Spiros @fiveten It was the Tamiya 1:48 kit of the Brewster B-339 Buffalo "Pacific Theatre". Since it had the option to build it for the [...]

Brewster SBA/SBN Scratch Build

In 1934, the Brewster company was initiated into the Naval aircraft market when it was invited to submit a proposal to build a new dive-bomber to Navy specifications. Prior to this, the company had been doing subcontract work for Vought [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Brewster F2A-2 Buffalo

Here is my completed entry for the Jim Sullivan Memorial Build. This is Tamiya's 1974 boxing of their first release of the Brewster Buffalo, Kit No. 61019. There are 3 versions that can be made, RAF, Dutch and USN. This is a nice kit, all [...]

Tamiya F2A-2 Brewster Buffalo 1/48

This Tamiya F2A-2 Brewster Buffalo kit dates back to early 70s and it were re-issued in the early 90s with decals for 2 yellow wing US NAVY versions with markings for Lexington and Saratoga. I started the kit about 8 years ago and [...]

Off the SoD – Special Hobby Brewster B-239 “Taivaan Helmi”

How a company that produced buggies during the 19th Century and was virtually moribund before it was bought, resuscitated, and turned into a manufacturer of naval aircraft managed with its first design - the B-239 - to come in ahead of [...]

The Navy's worst aircraft

The Brewster SB2A joined the Navy in 1943, but had so many deficiencies that it never served in combat. It was considered "under-powered and poorly constructed" and was only used for training by the Navy and Marines. But since [...]

Brewster F2A Buffalo Tamiya 1/48Aicraft Model

Another beauty by PLASMO. The old (ancient?) Tamiya kit gets a proper treatment: (link)

Brewster F2A-2 Buffalo (Tamiya 1/48)

Hi everybody! This is my latest build, and this one is something special. First of all, this is an iModeler build, started back in October 2015, and it took 2 years and 7+ months to be completed. And all I can say – thank you everybody, [...]

1/48 Tamiya Brewster Buffalo USN

Hello Folks I would like to present my latest model completed in September. This time this is Brewster Buffalo from Tamiya. Pretty old kit with raised panel lines. So I start building with rescribe all panel lines. Rest of the build goes [...]